Thursday, March 27, 2008

John Searle: Beyond Dualism

John Searle is an American philosopher interested in philosophy of mind.

Here are some key elements of Searle's position.

* Rejects computational theory of mind with his Chinese Room argument.
* Rejects Cartesian dualism. Probably rejects property dualism as well.
* Study of consciousness using scientific method IS possible. This is very much against previously conceived notion that goes something like "consciousness is known subjectively only, thus scientific inquiry from third person perspective cannot explain consciousness."
* Reduction of consciousness to neurobiological phenomena is not strictly possible since nuerobiological phenomena loses the qualitative feel of subjectivity. One must tackle this problem directly without eliminating consciousness.
* Rejects epiphenomenalism, so he admits free will is real. I think he now takes somewhat agnostic position on this issue.

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6:
Part 7:

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