Tuesday, February 19, 2008

John Searle on Ludwig Wittgenstein

Ludwig Wittgenstein
Bryan Magee talks to John Searle about the legacy of Ludwig Wittgenstein; ranging from his early work, the Tractatus, to his posthumously published, Philosophical Investigations.
John Searle
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5


gP said...

woo! now im totaly in this...videos...queing now. have so many to watch after TED, longnow, etc.

thx for putting all together.

mitohistoriador said...

So what do you make of Searle's position on language? It is clear that in spite of his "radicalness" he retains the myopia of a positivism and its fundamentalism in the belief in the myth of European enlightenment, the myth of "what is the case," the myth of "facts" without history, the myth of the imperialism of Western Reason, the myth of its ethnocentrism, the myth of the domination of reason in defining the phenomenon of human Language and of language in general, in a word, the myth of modernism. I frankly can hardly stand the guy any more than I can Western imperialism!